Today was just another day sheltering in place…

…until I received a call from an attorney asking for the details of a policy belonging to one of my clients. I smiled when I heard her name and wondered innocently what has she gotten herself into. Regrettably, said the attorney, she had passed in an auto accident last week.

Full. Stop.

It takes a moment to really digest that kind of information. I thought of her daughter, and all the pictures she posted on social media of her creative work. I remembered how many times she called to tell me that she was going to be a little late paying a bill. She was fighting the good fight to provide for her daughter and stay on top of her bills. I just couldn’t pressure her to pay a little more for life insurance, even if it was only $20 a month. I thought I was being kind by not being pushy.

But now I have regret. I know the value of having even just a little life insurance and what a huge difference it makes for the people who love you. I know how tight her budget was, but I have to wonder if I didn’t fail her.

I know that we all have a heightened awareness of Covid-19 spreading through the community. That we worry about becoming sick ourselves or, maybe worse, the people we love becoming sick and what that might mean. It’s important to remember that life, and death, will go on despite a lockdown or quarantine.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. If you have life insurance in place, review your coverage and ask questions about it. I’m here, and I can help. If you don’t have life insurance, or you have a policy, but you’re worried that it might be tied to your job, please reach out and let me help you find something that is affordable and will really make a difference to those you love.

You can reach me anytime at (800) 304-3254 or send me an email.

Please be safe out there!