Big insurance companies pay top dollar to advertise to you to develop name recognition and brand loyalty. They want to capture as much of their audience with jingles, slogans and clever commercials. They use athletes and personalities to persuade you that they are looking after your best interests, but how can that be if they do not even know you?

Insurance is not a one-size-fits all type of a product. Is not a preference like Coke or Pepsi, but a set of complex factors to create a unique protection. Having an independent agent means that someone is looking out for YOU. Being loyal to the customer, and not the brand, means that I can shop you situation and best match you to an insurance company in minutes with correct coverage and affordability.

Sure you can make calls and fill out forms online to try to get the cheapest quote, but anyone in a call center is focused on selling you their brand, regardless if it is truly the best fit for you. And if you have ever filled out an interest form online, you know that you could be getting a good number of telemarketing calls for days trying to sell you on their brand.

An independent agent can use tools and experience to find you the best offer among the top brands and some brands that are lesser known. I can save you time and money by shopping all those companies in minutes.

I would love an opportunity to talk with you about your insurance needs so that I can point you in the right direction. I hope to talk with you soon.